Table of Contents
Daniel Brauer
Globalized History: The Return of Weltgeist?
Omar Acha
From »World History» to »Global History«: Latin American Perspectives
Adrián Ratto
Globalization and the Return of Meta-Narratives
Francisco Naishtat
Global History and Bicentennial: The Problematic Reception of Latin American Emancipation in Marx's Historiography
Rosa E. Belvedresi
Global History and the Idea of Universal History
Günther Lottes
Globality before Globalization. Economic Relationships in the Pre-modern World
Concha Roldán
Enlightenment, Philosophy of History and Values: European Roots of Universalism
Vincent Geoghegan
A New World
Thomas Gil
Explaining Historical Phenomena
Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile
Critical Global Studies and Planetary History. New Perspectives on the Enlightenment
Darina Martykánová
Expert Knowledge and the State in Spain and in the Ottoman Empire. An Exercise in Comparative and Global History
Lutz Fricke
Norms and Normalisation – Knowing Others by Default
Irene Gómez Franco
Recognition, Redistribution and Representation: The Dimensions of Global Justice
Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar
Recognition: An Argument on Representation, Memory and History
Steven G. Ellis
Building the English State: From Barbarism to Civilization
Dariusz Dolański
Barbarousness and Barbarians in the Polish 18th Century Geographical Writing
Nana Hengelhaupt
Ancient Liberties and Modern Consent
Alix Winter
Josef-Marie Degérando's Concept of Savages
Larisa Strese-Gassiev
Siberian Barbarians and Savages in the Concept of Russian Civilizing Mission
Emilie Al Saleh
»Barbarism and Civility«. The Voyages of Discovery of James Cook in the XVIIIth Century
Roberto R. Aramayo and Concha Roldán
Values and Education: From the Enlightenment to the Present Day
Elvan Altan Ergut and Namık Erkal
An Architectural Introduction to the Education of Enlightenment Values in Turkey
Martina Becker
Art's Pedagogical Vocation for a New Citizenship: The Resim-İş Department in Ankara
Moira Bernardoni
Social Production of Public Space and Intercultural Education
Anna Janczys
The Didactic Character of Universal History
Nina Lex
The Reconcilability of Rousseau's Education. Making Man in Citizen's Clothing
Nicholas Miller
The Status of Women and Writing the Global History of the Family Enlightenment and Contemporary Perspectives
Alexandre Netchaev
The Impossibility of Making a Revolution
Christoph Senft
From Global History to Transmodern Literary Historiography Conceptualisations of Time in Red Earth and Pouring Rain and Serious Men